ACIS Login/Logout Instructions


Double click the AOC ACIS icon.

Effective Jan 2016, if you have the new Jagacy Software, you will have to open the AOC ACIS session first, then click "connect session". You will get a warning about the certificate not being recognized. Clicked OK.

At the screen with the state, type CICSCRP and press the enter key.

The next couple of screens are info screens and can be cleared by pressing the ESC (or enter) key. Do so until you are at a blank screen.

Type CESN and press your enter key.

Enter your user id and password (passwords expire every 30 days), press enter. You will get a notification when login is complete (you will also get warning regarding when your password expires). Press enter again.

At the blank screen, type ACIS and press enter.

Your user id should default (if not, enter it). Enter your password. For the County/Group, enter 310 (for Durham). Press enter.

You will now be at the Inquiry menu where you can search by file number, name, etc.


When you are finished, you MUST logoff. To do so, press the ESC key until you have a blank screen.

Type CESF LOGOFF, then press the enter key. The screen with the state map should re-appear. You can now close the application.